21st December 2023
7pm (Doors open at 6pm)
StoreRoom, Ta' Xbiex
Join us for our Christmas open session of KOR KWIR happening at StoreRoom in Ta' Xbiex.
We will learn a brand new arrangement, sing all night and bring our choir alive again.
The song that we'll be learning will of course be Christmas inspired, but with the usual KOR KWIR mash up twist. We're going to have lots and lots of fun.
Everyone is welcome to join, no audition, but capacity is limited, so do book your place here.
KOR KWIR is Malta’s first queer community choir – led by queer people, for queer people and our ally community.
Musically led by Luke Saydon this choir is a unique safe space for people to come be who they want to be, feel warmly welcomed and express themselves through the joy of music. Everyone can join KOR KWIR. It is a non-audition choir.
KOR KWIR's first season culminated in a world-class performance as part of EuroPride Valletta 2023.
Keep your eyes peeled on here or our socials for when KOR KWIR opens its doors for its next season.
Mhix l-intenzzjoni tagħna li nagħtu spoilers għall-istorja, però għandna r-responsabbiltà li navżaw udjenzi b’aspetti tal-produzzjoni li forsi jistgħu jqanqlu emozzjonijiet ta’ dieqa.
It-Teatru tal-Miskin jinkludi referenzi għal: omofobija, intolleranza soċjali, vjolenza u hate crimes.
Jekk tixtieq taċċessa kwalunkwe tip ta’ sapport fuq dawn l-aspetti tal-produzzjoni, ninkoraġġuk tikkunsidra dawn l-organizzazzjonijiet u l-għajnuna li jistgħu jipprovdu.
Rainbow Support Services: support@maltagayrights.org jew ċempel +356 79430006.
Malta Gay Rights: http://maltagayrights.org/
MIND OUT: Online LGBTQI+ mental health support- https://mindout.org.uk/